Experience freedom in your dancing body and mind by learning to move through space in time with internal rhythms of breath, heartbeat and creative impulses.
In Sahaja Vinyasa for Dancers we flow freely and consciously between structured asana and kinetic movement. The practice of yoga is beneficial for dancers because it energetically aligns the musculoskeletal system from the inside out for effortless and efficient movement. Diving deeper into the subtle body, Vinyasa also amplifies practitioners’ body-mind connection by raising awareness of the breath as a tool for navigating kinetic pathways. Sahaja Vinyasa for Dancers integrates naturally intelligent yoga sequencing with spontaneous improvised movement, post-modern release techniques and somatics to refresh your innate joy for dancing. Previous dance experience encouraged.
Inspired by my graduate level modern dance training (MFA, ‘13), I am interested in sharing a hybrid yoga and modern dance practice that maintains the integrity of both modalities while promoting longevity and self-care in the dancing body, mind and heart. This class is beneficial as a one-time workshop or as an on-going weekly session in dance-centric spaces like studios, festivals, colleges + universities.