Healing Together

SA - together JA - to happen

SAHAJA - spontaneous enlightenment

SAHAJA S P A C E is creating brave sacred S P A C E for Self-care in spiritual community on the Radical Healing campus in the Lakewood Neighborhood of Durham, NC.

SAHAJA S P A C E is the home base for S P A C E Holders who are passionate about collective well-being and growth, sharing wisdom, and establishing foundational roots in our community. ALL S P A C E Holders practice anti-racism/oppression in their movement, meditation + healing modalities as we re-create wellness culture by:

  • Centering BIPOC + LGBTQIA+ People

  • Collaborating as a Cooperative

  • Committing to our Assumptions + Agreements

  • Catalyzing Anti-Capitalist Business Practices

  • Connecting with Source Lineages of Healing Practices

We are all connected. Let's heal together.



daily virtual movement yoga meditation healing durham nc


Daily Virtual Movement, Meditation + Healing

with Alesia Bachelor, Shakira Bethea, Jameela Dallis, Carson Efird, Juanita Martin, Michelle Mitchell, Pablo Robles + Grace Wakeman

  • Monday-Friday - 7:30-8am - Movement

  • Everyday - 8am-8:30am - Meditation + Healing

  • Everyday - 8:30-8:45am - Optional Community Discussion

  • Feel free to "arrive" at 7:30 or 8am.

  • Join anytime, come when you can.

Collective Care is a sacred community devoted to awakening and expanding together. Each morning we share movement, meditation + healing practices that activate compassion for ourSelves and one another as we move towards collective healing. Collective Care strengthens our personal connections with Spirit transforming mornings into a community sanctuary of calm grounded peace.

Everybody's welcome, no previous experience necessary.

The value of Collective Care is $108/month. The sliding scale is $27-189/month. Sign up by becoming a SAHAJA S P A C E Patreon Sustainer and pay what feels good considering that if you can pay more you are supporting those who need to pay less. Collective Care Facilitators share 70% of the proceeds from your contributions. Please reach out if you need your fee waived in order to participate, no one turned away for lack of funds.


Location + Parking

Our SAHAJA S P A C E hOMe base is located on the Radical Healing campus in the Lakewood neighborhood of Durham, NC. Look for the white house with the pink triangle - that’s us! There is plenty of free parking in the gravel parking lots to the left of and behind the house as well as on the street.

2007 Chapel Hill Road, Durham, NC 27707
