Conscious Connections: Prana Vinyasa Small Group Yoga Lab supports your personal yoga practice and enriches your life through meaningful connections inside and out.
This semi-private yoga session tailored to six dedicated yoga practitioners begins with your questions, both physical and/or energetic in relationship to a common pre-selected theme to focus our collective inquiries. Over the 6 weeks, we explore your questions through Prana Vinyasa yoga so that you can evolve your practice with clarity of intention.
Focus: Grounding Hip Openers + Arm Balances
Weekly, we begin with a brief check-in to re-inspire your intention followed by a Prana Vinyasa warm-up preparing you for the more in-depth explorations at hand. We then move into focused sequences, exercises and discussion around your inquiries and our common focus sparking A-HA moments and conscious connections in your practice. The session concludes with counterposes and Savasana for whole body integration. This intimate circle of yogis emphasizes Svadhyaya, self-study, as a practice of listening more deeply to the teacher within.
Conscious Connections: Small Group Yoga Lab is for people with previous yoga experience and a desire to deepen their practice.
7.5 YA CEUs available.